WC & Toilet Cleaning Wipes
Our red 5-in-1 cleaning wipes with the scent of lemon have been specially developed for the effective cleaning of toilets and toilets, such as toilet bowls, toilet seats, urinals, urinals, bidets and their splash zones. They already contain the perfectly pre-dosed and biodegradable combination of moisture, cleaning, fragrance and care products. The fragrant cleaning emulsions are 100% biodegradable, gentle on the skin and contain no hazardous substances. WetCleanWipes are available in a sustainable, compostable version made of viscose fibers and a high-performance version made of MicroNet textile (microfiber and viscose).
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Red 5-in-1 ReadyWipes with lemon fragrance for quick cleaning of WCs and toilets, such as toilet bowls, toilet seats, urinals, urinals, bidets and their splash areas. The moist cleaning wipes already contain the perfectly pre-measured and biodegradable combination of moisture, cleaning, fragrance and care products.